Tuesday 28 February 2012

Puppy Love :)


          Puppy love can be defined as feelings of love, romance, or infatuation felt by young people during their childhood and even adolescence. Everyone no matter who they are must have at least one memories of this puppy love. Tonight I think  I want to share to all the readers my memories of puppy love.

          This happens about 5 years ago when I was in form 3. I have a feeling at one of my classmates who are quite popular among us. She was a sweet, soft-spoken, kind and pretty for sure. Many of my friends has tried to confess their feeling to this girl but she rejected by the reason of still studying in school. I have a feeling to this girl since Form 1 but I was a shy guy and choose to stay silent than being rejected and frustrated.

           After being friend for about 3 years, I decided to express my feeling towards her no matter what happen. Ater finish PMR examination, I express my feeling and I've got a unexpected result which is she also had crush on me since form 1. So, we became a couple but this relationship doesn't stay long. After she moved to boarding school in form 4, we lost contact and this relationship ends just like that.

           After SPM, I've meet my old friends and after being friends for about just a month, I express my feeling towards her and she accept it. This relationship stays until now for about 2 years and I hope that she is the perfect one that Allah have made for me until the day I die.

"It is impossible to express love with words, for love is an emotional state that can be understood only by the lover."

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