Tuesday 28 February 2012

My First Week In Uitm Segamat


          My first week in Uitm Segamat. Uitm Segamat is the place where I studied now. First week of all student in Uitm is known as Minggu Destini Siswa. This is an orientation week so that we all as a new students can learn and make ourself comfortable in a new places.

          On the registration day, I arrived with my family approximately at eleven o'clock in the morning because Segamat and my place is not so far. It only takes about one hour of trip. After arriving, I receive an instruction from a students who are also known as 'Pembantu Mahasiswa' if I'm not mistaken. He takes me to the registration counter to register my name and take a key for my room. I was placed in room 328 Kolej Taming Sari. After unpacking all my stuff, I take a rest for a while as Minggu Destini Siswa will started tommorow.

          For the first day of Minggu Destini Siswa, there are always are common things for every IPTA orientation week which is we all as a new students must filled in many types of form in order to make sure that we are all registered here. There are medical form, co-curriculum form and many others form. Its about 700 students that register, so it may take some time to all the students finish filling up their form and resulting that it only the activity we do on the first day.

        In the Minggu Destini Siswa, all the students who are Muslims must go to mosque and prays together every prayer time. This is the regulations that must be followed by all the new students that registered here. This is to make students aware of the important of prayer in our life as a muslims.

          On the second day, we are all must hear  briefing all about Uitm. There are about library, rules and regulations, and many more. From here are we learn and know many things about Uitm. Briefing is not on the second day only, it takes time until the fifth day. We also learn the national anthem of Uitm which are 'Uitm DiHatiku' and 'Wawasan Setia Warga Uitm'.

          On the sixth day, there are an opening ceremony for Minggu Destini Siswa that are inaugurated by the Vice Chansellor, Dato' Sahol Hamid. This is the ceremony that requires all Uitm in malaysia do it simultaneously. So in Uitm Segamat, we are only get the chance watch our Vice Chansellor on a live video because its broadcasting in Uitm Shah Alam.

            After the ceremony end, we are give permission to go back to our room and take a rest after face an outstanding week that are makes us feels very exhausted. After two day take a rest, we are divided into class and started learning our new subject. That's all about my first week in Uitm.


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