Tuesday 28 February 2012

Subject Review


This is what I can conclude after finishing all 14 weeks of lecture of all the below subjects...

BEL 311

BEL 311 stands for English for Academic Purpose. At a first sight, I think that this subject must be hard for me because I cannot talk fluently in English and based on the opinion of my senior, this subject is annoying because of many assignment like term paper we have to do but after 14 weeks learn this subject, it more to how to write a good english essay. There are also a speaking practice, but less important than writing. This subject concern more to writing purposes. Our lecturer is Mr Izuan who are neat, handsome, tidy and quite strict in class. This subject is providing me with enough English language information and making me more confident to write or speak in English. By this, it will help me in the future where in a work environment, English is something important. About two weeks later, we will take our BEL 311 final examination and I hope that I can answer it smoothly and get an A+ for this subject

FAR 200

FAR 200 stands for financial accounting 3. Before this I thought that this subject is more harder than FAR150 but after finishing 14 weeks with this subject, although I have no accounting background, I still can survive this subject with a smiling. Our lecturer is Madam Rosmawati who are quite funny but she always gives us many homework. However we did not say anything because we know that her intention is to make we all are perfect students. As a accounting students, financial accounting subjects are compulsory as if we all became an accountant at the future but do not know how to do an account, it will be quite awkward. So, there are no doubt that this subject are related to our future career and I hope that I will get an A+ for this subject.

MAF 220

MAF 220 stands for cost accounting 1. This subject is easy as I thought at the first time being in this class because this subject are all about calculation and what makes it easy is because I do love calculation. Our lecturer for this subject is Madam Aryani who is a loving person, kind-hearted, soft-spoken and love all of us like her own sons. This subject is about how factory gives their empoyees wages, overtime and bonus. If in the future we all become a manager, we must have this kind of knowledge in order to perform our job perfectly. Another two weeks is our final examination, I hope that A+ will be the grade for me in this subject.


MGT162 stands for Principle of Management. This subject is a reading subject. We must read all of the topics in order to answer any test or final because this subject has neither calculation nor formula at all. It will become hard for me as I'm not a kind of people who love reading informational books. Our lecturer is Madam Shaherah who is kind hearted, beautiful and quite strict in the class but she always share any new information withh us. This subject shows us how to manage a people and organizations and this will help us in case we have to manage employees under us in the future.

LAW 240

LAW 240 stands for Introduction to Commercial Law. This subject is a reading subject just like MGT162 but much more hard because this subject requires us to memorize all the case, section and story that are involve with commercial Law. Our lecturer is Madam Siti Mariam and she is a soft-spoken and kind person. She always gives us advice in how to succeed and passed this subject with flying colour. This subject shows us the law and regulations if we found someone make mistake about contract or something related to that. So if in the future we found a mistake, we will know how to encounter it.


CTU231 stands for Fundamental of Islamic Accounting. This subject not so hard and for the first time , I take a Islamic subject but have a calculation. This subject shows us how to make a calculation for zakat, and how to pawned something according to Islamic ways. Our lecturer is Ustaz Kamarulzaman, who are hold many position whether in UiTM itself or outside UiTM. After learn this subject, we all know how Islam teach us the right way to do a business and we can use this knowledge when we finished our study later


HKR111 stands for Management Of Family Institution.This subjects all about how to find our soul mate and how to manage our family after married according to Islamic concept. Ustazah Fatimah has become our lecturer. She is a kind, gentle, pretty and soft-spoken women who live in a happy family to become a good example to us about happy marriage. After we have study this subject for 14 weeks, we have learn that how to propose someone to become our wife, following the procedure of engagement and akad nikah to make them legally as our wife. All the knowledge I learn from this subject can be used after this to built a blissful and happy family with my future wife.

Puppy Love :)


          Puppy love can be defined as feelings of love, romance, or infatuation felt by young people during their childhood and even adolescence. Everyone no matter who they are must have at least one memories of this puppy love. Tonight I think  I want to share to all the readers my memories of puppy love.

          This happens about 5 years ago when I was in form 3. I have a feeling at one of my classmates who are quite popular among us. She was a sweet, soft-spoken, kind and pretty for sure. Many of my friends has tried to confess their feeling to this girl but she rejected by the reason of still studying in school. I have a feeling to this girl since Form 1 but I was a shy guy and choose to stay silent than being rejected and frustrated.

           After being friend for about 3 years, I decided to express my feeling towards her no matter what happen. Ater finish PMR examination, I express my feeling and I've got a unexpected result which is she also had crush on me since form 1. So, we became a couple but this relationship doesn't stay long. After she moved to boarding school in form 4, we lost contact and this relationship ends just like that.

           After SPM, I've meet my old friends and after being friends for about just a month, I express my feeling towards her and she accept it. This relationship stays until now for about 2 years and I hope that she is the perfect one that Allah have made for me until the day I die.

"It is impossible to express love with words, for love is an emotional state that can be understood only by the lover."

My First Week In Uitm Segamat


          My first week in Uitm Segamat. Uitm Segamat is the place where I studied now. First week of all student in Uitm is known as Minggu Destini Siswa. This is an orientation week so that we all as a new students can learn and make ourself comfortable in a new places.

          On the registration day, I arrived with my family approximately at eleven o'clock in the morning because Segamat and my place is not so far. It only takes about one hour of trip. After arriving, I receive an instruction from a students who are also known as 'Pembantu Mahasiswa' if I'm not mistaken. He takes me to the registration counter to register my name and take a key for my room. I was placed in room 328 Kolej Taming Sari. After unpacking all my stuff, I take a rest for a while as Minggu Destini Siswa will started tommorow.

          For the first day of Minggu Destini Siswa, there are always are common things for every IPTA orientation week which is we all as a new students must filled in many types of form in order to make sure that we are all registered here. There are medical form, co-curriculum form and many others form. Its about 700 students that register, so it may take some time to all the students finish filling up their form and resulting that it only the activity we do on the first day.

        In the Minggu Destini Siswa, all the students who are Muslims must go to mosque and prays together every prayer time. This is the regulations that must be followed by all the new students that registered here. This is to make students aware of the important of prayer in our life as a muslims.

          On the second day, we are all must hear  briefing all about Uitm. There are about library, rules and regulations, and many more. From here are we learn and know many things about Uitm. Briefing is not on the second day only, it takes time until the fifth day. We also learn the national anthem of Uitm which are 'Uitm DiHatiku' and 'Wawasan Setia Warga Uitm'.

          On the sixth day, there are an opening ceremony for Minggu Destini Siswa that are inaugurated by the Vice Chansellor, Dato' Sahol Hamid. This is the ceremony that requires all Uitm in malaysia do it simultaneously. So in Uitm Segamat, we are only get the chance watch our Vice Chansellor on a live video because its broadcasting in Uitm Shah Alam.

            After the ceremony end, we are give permission to go back to our room and take a rest after face an outstanding week that are makes us feels very exhausted. After two day take a rest, we are divided into class and started learning our new subject. That's all about my first week in Uitm.


Tuesday 14 February 2012

10 things that i grateful of

10 things I grateful in life

1.My family
-this is the most valuable things in my life. The first things that i know in this world and the one that i share almost everything in my life.

2. my laptop
-this is present from my elder brother and this machine is helping me a lot in order to finish up my assignment or surfing the internet.

3. having the most happening classmates
- My classmates from I in part one until now is the best classmates that i ever have, giving cooperation and share problem together.

4. Having a safe country and stable government
-Malaysia is one of the most safe country that more than 15 different races living together in one country

5. Having a healthy body and mind
-having a healthy body and mind permit me to do my hobbies and laugh all day

6.Ability to apologise, be grateful and caring
-I still have time to care all the person that i love and forgive all the wrong that people do to me

7.Ability to have love in my life
-I still have the feeling to love and want to be loved

8.Ability to talk, hear and read
-I am so grateful that I still have the ability to talk, hear and read that i need to communicate with others each day

9.Having clean water, fresh air, good environment
-There are no heavy pollution,so I still can breath and take a deep breath everyday

10.Thank God I'm alive
-Thank to Allah that still gives me the chance to do all my work, to say 'I love you' to all people that I loved and to enjoy my life in the world before I die.